- Open the Comment Module.
- Select the Underline option.
- Click on the circle on the settings panel to change the underline color.
- Choose a new color.
- Move the slider to change the underline opacity.
- Place your cursor over the portion of text you’d like to underline. Hold down the left mouse button and drag over the text that should be underlined.
- When you release the mouse button, the selected text will be underlined.
You can leave a comment on your annotation. Firstly, click the cross to close the underline settings panel.
- Go into View Mode.
- Click on your underline and a comment box will appear.
- Add your comment.
You can change the appearance of your underline at any time. While in Edit Mode you can click on your markup to select it.
The underline settings panel will appear. You can also change the underline size by dragging the corners of the box and its placement by moving the underline box around.
To delete your underline, enter Edit Mode. Then right-click on your underline and choose Delete.
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